- She whipped him like forty. 她狠命地鞭打他一顿。
- If a girl catch up with a boy, she whips him, while he is not allowed to fight back. 姑娘可以鞭打小伙子,小伙子不许还手,场面紧张热烈而又轻松愉快。
- She whipped her hand away, unwilling to let him touch it. 她突然将手移开,不愿让他碰着。
- She whipped round just as he was about to attack her from behind. 他正要从她後面袭击她,她一下子转过身来。
- She whipped her hand away,unwilling to let him touch it. 他突然把手抽了回来,不愿让他碰着。
- She whipped up a knife and faced the man bravely. 她抓起一把刀,毫不畏惧地对着这个男子。
- She followed him like a submissive child. 她对他百依百顺,像个听话的孩子。
- She whipped into the store for a bottle of milk . 她突然进入商店买了一瓶牛奶。
- His father whipped him for misbehavior. 他因不守规矩,父亲抽打了他。
- She made after him like a mad woman. 她象个疯女人似的追赶他。
- She whipped off to Wuhan yesterday. 她昨天匆匆到武汉去了。
- She is a very strict teacher; as soon as a child does the slightest thing wrong she's down on him like a ton of bricks. 她是一名很严厉的教师,孩子做错了一点点小事,她就对他怒斥一通。
- Take hence this Jack, and whip him. 把这家伙抓出去抽一顿鞭子。
- Be nicer to him. You shouldn't mess around with him like that. 对他好些,你不该对他那麽随便。
- She whipped the mask off her face. 她刷地一下子把脸上的面具摘掉了。
- She whipped into the store for a bottle of milk. 她突然进入商店买了一瓶牛奶。
- She lived in a room that seemed to him like a closet. 她住的那个房间让他看起来就像一个壁橱。
- She whipped the children on with shouts of encouragement. 她大喊加油鼓励那些孩子们。
- She whipped the child off to the doctor before I had time to look at him. 我还没来得及看看这孩子, 她就急着带他到医生那儿去。
- You shouldn't have spoken to him like that you've really started something now. 你不该那样跟他说话--这下你可闯了祸了。